Tuesday, 21 October 2008

J.B.Priestley's life and career

Use the internet to find out information about the playwright whose work you have been studying. Leave a comment to show what you have discovered, BUT...

  • Try to restrict your comments to details that are related to the play.
  • Use your own words

I will leave an example to start you off. You only need to add one or two points; the links are what matter more.

11EN1 Inspector Calls Contexts

A reminder, in case you lose your own copy! Feel free to comment if you have a strong view about one of these areas, or find something else out yourself.

Monday, 22 September 2008

11EN1 Spelling Skills

Here are some links to help you work on your spelling at home.


(Have a look at the other links on the right hand side on this site too as some of them are very useful. There is a good section on spelling rules if you use the drop down menus here:
http://www.askoxford.com/betterwriting/classicerrors/?view=uk )

This is also a good site for exploring the relationships between words and meanings:


Remember... learn spellings a little at a time. Put post-its up with words you struggle with and use a strategy that works for you.